Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 7: Think good thoughts

Boy, oh, boy! Day 7 was quite the challenging day for me. I know it had something to do with the full moon, but some of my recent decisions also dictated the day’s less-than-stellar outcome. 

That may have been why it was so hard to take in. I had to accept responsibility for manifesting the day’s events. It wasn’t out of my control. I had let it spin out of control. 
Dear friends, we all make mistakes. We’re all human. We’re always growing and learning. The difference lies in how you handle it. You could sit and continue to drag yourself down. You could rebel and blame it on everyone else. You could deny, deny, deny. 
As I learned from a wise Army major, first you need to breathe. It’s hard sometimes. Believe me, I know it. 
“Why is she telling me to breathe,” I asked myself. “Doesn’t she know how much this hurts?”
I went home, shut my bedroom door and cried. I listened to some uplifting music. The following song always lends me perspective.

Feeling better after a little musical therapy, I decided to take some time to sit and break it down. Get real with yourself. 
Once again, I’m going to go Army and flip it After Action Review (AAR) style. I’m going to mix it up a little though, so work with me, Army folks. Hee hee!
What happened? What could’ve happened? How will I sustain the good parts of the situation? How will I improve the lesser parts? Be brave and give it to yourself straight! I’m fortunate enough to have leaders that won’t let me fail. They will take the time and set me straight when I’m blinded by the chaos.
Whether you have that in your life or not isn’t as important as you being honest with yourself.
Regroup and carry on. This is a GREAT time to pull out your vision board and work on it. It will help you turn your challenges into lessons. 
Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.
-Norman Vincent Peale
In the book ‘Positive Imaging’, Peale states that affirmations need to be filled with gratitude. Imagine them as if they have already come true. 
Write them down. Record them. Say them out loud every day!
And for Pete’s sake, don’t take yourself so seriously, awesome you! Smile--it’s contagious!

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