Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 4: How are you spending your energy?

You’re on a roll, right? You’re doing your affirmations daily and working on your vision board. Now it’s time to step up your game. It’s time to let your light shine brightly, my lovelies!
How do I do this, you might ask? It’s starts with your thoughts, which then translates into your actions and then spreads to others. It’s amazing, really. 

Let’s do a little exercise. How was your day today? What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Long? Difficult? Fun? Tiring? Exciting? Just alright?
Now, go through the day’s events. Is there anything that happened that you could’ve changed the outcome? Think hard, dear!
I’ll give you an example of something that happened during my day. I got to work and needed to submit a design by 10:30 a.m. Not impossible, but challenging. Well, it became even more challenging when I found out that the new work computer I had picked up the day before was missing Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. These are key for me. 
No worries. I always bring my personal computer to work, which has the Adobe Creative Suite on it. Too easy! So, I fired up my trusty Mac and realized that a file that I was planning on using for this design was in InDesign format. That’s the only Adobe product I don’t have. Ugh...I’m starting to panic at this point.
I stopped myself and asked, “What’s going to happen if this is not done by 10:30?” I could get in trouble, lectured, scolded and so on. Would I get fired? No. Next the computer gods.
They say they can tap into my computer from their location and get the software loaded. A ha! Problem solved, right? Well, it was, but not quickly.
During the tick and the tock of the clock, I took two minutes and wrote out some affirmations. I thanked my angels for the ability to get my job done on time and to standard. I said out loud, “Thank you for making the software download go smoothly. I’m grateful that I have what I need, skills and supplies, to get this job done”
It’s now 10:00 a.m. Instead of being frantic and trying to hurry and spit something out, I was calm. I knew that it would get done and it did. 
I know this is kind of a silly example, but something that you can hopefully relate to. 
So, what are your examples? What could you have done differently?

I use the traffic example a lot, because I think most people have experienced frustration on the roads. 
You’re driving along when some guy comes along, weaving in and out of traffic, and cuts you off. 
Instead of flashing your brights, flipping him off or cursing, try saying a prayer. Pray that he gets to his destination safely. Visualize yourself sending him love. A nice calming love. Who couldn’t use some of that?
He may not slow down. You can’t control others. But, what you did do is control yourself. You controlled your reaction and refused to ‘plug in’ to his energy. 

Check out crazy Daybelle in the image below. Look at how she spend her energy. She's plugged into so many darn things!

Every person you come in contact with, every experience has the potential to drain a little bit of your energy. By starting each day with meditation, you should be at around 100% in the morning. See where you can be at noon. It’s time to make dinner now, where are you at? Feeling drained? Put on some fun music and dance while you cook! It works, I promise! =-)

So, Daybelle grabbed her worries and turned them into positive affirmations. Check it out! It's AMAZING!

Before you lay your head down, write down how you changed your outcome today. How did you manifest reality? Is it helping you with your sustains and improves?

I keep a notebook by my bed. It takes me a minute to write a few affirmations and make a note of something I learned that day. Thank your angels and end your day with an attitude of gratitude! Try it, you’ll like it!
Keep smiling, dear friends! You motivate me and YOU are amazing!

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