Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Heal your heart, light your life

For months, the lovely Avianna told me to meditate. I didn’t. It wasn’t that I didn’t mean to or that I didn’t want to. I just didn’t prioritize it. Now it’s like food for my soul. It’s my way of treating myself. I’ve let go of my limiting thoughts, such as, “I can’t meditate until I download that song,” or “I’m too tired.”

I write these blogs from the heart, so I end up tying things back into my own personal experiences. This ‘Wisdom Card’ really brought it all full circle for me, so I wanted to make a pretty just in case it resonates with you. 

Doesn’t that just make it seem so simple. It’s bigger than you. It’s time that we take responsibility for what we’re putting out into the world. 
Stand up! Stand up for yourself! Stand up for what your heart knows! At least, just do me a favor and try it. You’re beautiful and loved, but you’re true beauty is illuminated once your actions reflect your heart.

This is where meditation can help you. It clears away all of the fluff, drama and space fillers. Your mind becomes clear. Your actions become true.
This one has been a little repetitive, but I just really hope to share this message with you all. I would also love to hear your feedback. What works for you? How do you treat your heart? How do you treat other's hearts? Forgive, release, breathe...doesn't that feel great?
Keep on smiling! It’s making a difference!

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