Friday, March 23, 2012

Manifesting on the go

A great soul sister, Malia, posted an awesome idea on Facebook recently. Prior to going on a run, she pulled out one of her daily affirmation cards and then meditated and marinated on that card throughout her run!
Now, first of all, I struggle finding time to meditate. Secondly, once I find the time, I struggle with clearing my mind. Lastly, I love to run, but often get bored if my run is more than two miles. So this idea of manifesting 'on the go' resonated with me.
I didn’t have my cards on me, so I decided to focus on my everyday struggle...finding ‘the one.’ Lately, I’ve been looking at potential mates like I would a pair of shoes. 

Beautiful shoes from
“Ooh, I love this shoe. It’s cute and fun, but man, my feet will be hurting by the end of the day.”
“Hmm...this shoe is practical, everyday wear, simple, not a conversation starter, but...*yawn*...I could wear these...maybe...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.”
Seriously! It was time for a new approach. I needed to focus on the qualities I want to manifest instead of the who and when.

Here’s how my run went. Some of you will be surprised and some of you won’t. hee hee

So, I still struggled with my attention span, but all in all, it was a great run filled with all kinds of marinating! It was my first 5-mile run of the season and I was invigorated and refreshed. I had to hurry and pick my son up, but first jotted down all of the crazy thoughts running through my head. I couldn’t write fast enough.
My run started out somewhat strong, the first hill came and I was confident. I cruised down it, only to be met by a smaller hill that surprisingly packed a punch. A couple of miles into my run, I had a good pace going, but this little hill was tearing at my knee.
OK, in case you haven’t caught on, there’s a metaphor here. Life is like training for a marathon. You may start an experience (job, relationship etc.) strong. You may feel like your foundation is set in stone, but it’s the little things that can trip you up. 
So, STOP! Breathe. Part of running effectively is keeping your breathing under control.
Enjoy each day! Enjoy each hill. Picture your muscles (heart, mind etc) getting stronger. As I battled that hill, I thanked spirit for the strength and energy to run. I thanked my body for putting up with me even though I don’t drink enough water and love sweets. 
Through each up and down, sometimes you’ll find that the straightaways are the most challenging. You get caught in a rut. Complacency sets in and next thing you know, a month has passed you by. I say again...ENJOY EACH DAY! 
Figure out how to do that. I journal almost every night. Even when I’m tired. Find what works best for you. 
By taking time to enjoy each day, you’ll be able to better appreciate and ‘hear’ the messages that your angels are sending you. 
During my run, two songs came on. ‘L-O-V-E’ by Nat King Cole and ‘Syrup and Honey’ by Duffy.

These were great reminders for me on my L-O-V-E journey. My angels were helping keep me on track. The songs came on at points during my run where my brain had slowed down. I couldn’t help but to smile and say thank you! joke. ‘Syrup and Honey’ just came on as I’m typing this. Seeeeeeeeee, open your eyes and see with me!
So, my challenge to you is to find a new way to meditate. While doing the dishes, folding laundry, taking your dog for a walk. Take ten minutes out of your lunch break, find a quiet space and close your eyes. Focus, visualize, manifest!
Then write it all down. Write every last bit of your experience down. I’m telling you, it’s worth it. Then share your experience with me!!! :-)

And, as always, if you're ever wondering what to do, just keep smiling.

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