Saturday, February 25, 2012

Water your own grass!

I’m sure many of you have heard the quote about the grass always being greener on the other side, right?
Today, I was reminded about my last blog post where I talked about enjoying where you are right here, right this very moment. 
Heading home after a dinner where I was surrounded by lovelies, I was considering going to see a movie, but then thought that I didn’t really want to see a bunch of lovey dovey couples watching a Rom Com. I always get cold in theaters. Who was going to help keep me warm? Wah, wah, wah, blah, blah, blah!
Just as I was getting caught in the ‘woe is me’ trap...this amazing thing happened!

This is all common sense, isn’t it? Well, for those moments when we forget, Spirit comes along and fills us with LOVE! 
Then on the ol’ Facebook, a good friend, from my childhood, posted something about watering our own grass, so that it’s just as green as that ‘other’ grass. Being the graphics gopher that I am, I had to pop into Illustrator and make up a pretty!
What messages is Spirit sending you? Are you listening?
Keep smiling!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Perfect timing: An oxymoron or frame of mind?

When I found out that I was pregnant, I first thought, "Am I really ready for this?" I don't mean to offend the parents out there that wait years to raise a child, but is there really a "ready" for such a life-changing event? I mean, you can be the most OCD person on the planet. I had weeks worth of meals stored in my freezer by the time I went into labor, but were we really ready? There's always one more thing to check off the list, right?

Recently, I've found myself trying to swim a 10k, when I only have the capability to swim a 5k (this is an analogy, of course). I found myself discouraged and wondering how I was going to swim that extra 5k. I have the energy and drive, but my "muscles" just wouldn't go any further. Then I became really sick and even more flustered. With work piling up as high as the laundry, I was fed up.

That's when we regroup. Talk to friends. Look at your vision board. Set benchmarks to your goal. Amelia Earhart broke her first world record just two years after her first plane ride, but she first had to learn how to fly...strengthen her flying muscles, so to speak.

I recently emailed a dear friend of mine and had a revelation. It's true that we shouldn't dwell on the past, but why not look back and be thankful for what you've experienced. For one day in the past, you were wishing for what you have today. 

Think about it. List the things you have today that were once a mere wish or thought. Now watch the video! I apologize for it's length, but I'm a one-take sort of gal, otherwise my OCD will kick in and I'll be up all night trying to get the perfect cut!

What's your routine?

As I was emailing this friend, I realized that I need to follow his advice and shift my paradigm (another great reason he's a great friend). In the last year, I felt as though everything in my life had changed. My job, my love, my marriage, my home (more than once), my plans, my hopes, my income, my name it. I felt like I had this intricate puzzle, also known as life, all figured out. Well, maybe not ALL figured out, but I had a good grasp on it. Then this pesky person came and just took a hammer to it.

Photo credit: INS, The Telegraph (UK)

Yes, those are Legos! Just little tiny pieces, but as a unit, they can build a house. Yes, that's a legit house made out of legos. Woah, bring it back on track, Dajon. :-)

After completing my email and feeling all "woe is me," I realized that my puzzle (life) ain't no stinkin' legos! MY life is more like the buildings that the 'doozers' build on Fraggle Rock. They always seem to be building something, but it's never really finished. They are happy, cute little boogers, aren't they? If you're asking yourself what I'm talking about, just check this link out.

Photo credit:

The doozers actually have it all figured out! Here's some words from one of their songs titled "All work, all play"!

Aww, the days when great vocabulary was used in theme songs. None of this Elmo's World crap! But, I digress again.

Don't shirk. Don't doze! This is your life! You are here in the perfect place, at the perfect time! Let's be joyful partners here, in this world that we revere!

Hope you're smiling! I know I am!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebrate love today!

It’s Valentine’s Day! I’m so excited. No amount of grumpy Army dudes could ruin my day! 
Today has become a money-booster for florists, Hallmark, Taiwanese animal-stuffing workers, Hershey and let’s not forget, jewelers! 
It has also become a sort of Single Awareness Day for those of us who are unattached. But, let’s shift the paradigm!
I decided to do a little research to really figure out what Valentine’s Day is all about! My friend, Google, had this to say: 
“While some believe that Valentine's Day is celebrated in the middle of February to commemorate the anniversary of Valentine's death or burial, others claim that the Christian church may have decided to place St. Valentine's feast day in the middle of February in an effort to "Christianize" the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.”
Yawn, yawn, death or burial, yawn, yawn, pagan celebration, yawnety, yawn, yawn, fertility festival--which makes sense, seeing as how Logan was a Valentine’s baby.
Anyhow, back on track. That didn’t really get me any closer to shifting the paradigm. So, let’s stick to the whole L-O-V-E theme! *singing* All you need is love, LOVE!!! Love is all you need! *singing*
Let’s spread some love. Send your favorite galentine some flowers, even if she is attached. Show her some love!

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched- they must be felt with the heart." 

Or maybe you have a palentine that could use a call. Pick up the phone. Give the gift of your time! I tried it today. It works. My palentine actually mentioned how happy he was to get a call!

WARNO: Excuse the horrible freeze face below. Video editor...I am not! ha ha ha
Makes sense, right? It doesn’t matter how you celebrate your love. You could be like Logan and just excited to share your Lightning McQueen valentines (that you’re mom had to talk you into sharing, because they’re so cool that you really wanted to keep them all for yourself). Or you might be the couple with the sappy, butterflies-in-the-stomach, cutesy love.

Remember, no matter what your love looks like...

...celebrate it today! 

Oh no! Here comes more! *singing* Ceeeeeeellll-e-brate good times, c’mon! Duh-duh-duh---duh---duh---duh---duh-duh, yahoo!!!” *singing*

Ooh, look at that! Caught cha smiling! Are you still laughing at my ridiculous freeze face...because I am! Whatever you're smiling at, keep it up!