Sunday, October 14, 2012

Enjoy Today

Hello loves! I’ve been experiencing an awesome shift this Fall. In previous years, I would dread the Winter lashing that Mother Nature was preparing to whip us with. I resented my husband for making us stay in Minnesota. I resented him for having a job that left me home alone during those cold winter nights. I look back now and see how much time I wasted. The energy, anxiety and anger that was directed at toward somebody so undeserving. 

It’s great to look back and see growth. But, whether you look back and smile or look back in pain, one thing remains the same...all you have is today! This very moment right now. 

I was reminded of that recently while spending an evening with my son. I believe all of you who are parents will be able to relate to this one.

Our children can often seem like students, but make sure you take the time to let them teach you. They haven’t been tainted by the ways of society. Their pure little souls have so much to share. Listen. Enjoy. Be in the moment with them. Grow together. This applies to everyone, not just parents. We are all one, so let’s treat each other that way. 

Have you? Keep on smiling, lovelies!!!