Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Invite Possibilities Into Your Life

Hellooooooo lovelies!!! I’m so excited for today, because we are going to learn how to bling our our consciousness! So, we’re gonna switch it up today and play the video first.

Yes! Stop speaking limitations into existence! Yes, you...we are all guilty of it. Letting fear interfere (a.k.a. enter fear) with your life. Welcome possibility and put it to work. Make it a reality! Ask yourself this next question.

“Who am I to tell God how to use me or work through me?”
-Panache Desai

Really! Who are you to limit God’s work through you? If the Divine dwells in you, as you, for you, then you are limitless. Possibility surrounds you. And when that fear slips it’s way, it’s ok...just release it. Enter love and light into the situation and the illusion that you’re ego (Jack) created will simply drift away. I’m not here to say that it’s always easy, but I am here to say that YOU’RE WORTH IT!

So, tell me friend, what’s stopping you? Why aren’t you living up to your divine potential? What’s got your possibility packing its’ bags? Maybe you’ve tripped up in the past and that memory keeps haunting you.

My divorce entered a lot of fear into my life. I wanted to protect my son and myself. The judgement that I placed on myself was ridiculous. That’s why I would love for you to try the ‘I will always love you’ exercise that Panache taught at the conference. I released the judgement. I released that past. I don’t know who originally said this, but I loved it: Don’t stumble over something behind you.

Let’s move forward together. Name your ego and learn how to separate from yourself. As Avianna would say, “I’m the driver here.”

I’m excited that I’m driving my own bus, because some amazing things are in the works and I’m so excited to share them with you. I’ve recorded my first podcast with Christopher Lawrence of the Zen Labyrinth. I’ll post the link when it’s up, but until then, hop on over and listen to some of their other podcasts! I’ll also be launching lots of fun and inspiring products in the Enlighten Studio!

You all make me smile and I hope I can do the same. Keep on smiling! You are amazing!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Chaos Creates Chaos

We’re always growing and changing. Just look back to a year ago. How many things have you learned? How have you changed? 
Sometimes it’s at a faster pace, sometimes it’s more painful than other times, but the growth is consistently there. Thank Spirit for that!
With this change, we also need to adjust our practices, habits and methods of doing things. Life can be chaotic, but don’t get lost in the shuffle. Don’t work for the weekends! It doesn’t have to be that way. All you have is now. Be in the now.

You can be excited for future plans, but I try not to say, “I wish it were Saturday.” As my Grandma Alisha says: 

Don’t wish your life away. 

Sometimes it’s hard to be in the now. I take those times to refocus and shift my paradigm to the right path. You know what that is. Just look within. Spend time with yourself and figure it out. 
Summer’s in Minnesota can be chaotic. There’s so much going on and it seems to fly by. It’s really important not to wish the days away, because it seems to always fly by as it is. 

My current job and employment pattern for the last four years is coming to an end. You would think it would be slowing down at work, but the projects are rolling in more now than ever. Plus, I’m out looking for a new job, which can be a bit draining if you let it be. Then you throw in the single mom gig and trying to keep up with my running. Needless to say, chaos was surrounding me and I wasn’t about to let it in. I know chaos creates more chaos. Here’s what I did...

*Sorry for the silly preview...meh...technology.

I know I tend to ramble in my videos, but if you remember one thing from this blog today, remember this:

Everything we do
is infused with the energy
with which we do it. 
If we’re frantic, life will be frantic.
If we’re peaceful, life will be peaceful.
- Marianne Williamson

Just as being peaceful will bring you a peaceful life, smiling will bring you more smiles...so keep on smiling, lovelies. See you next week!