Monday, July 16, 2012

BElieve in YOUrself

I have something to admit to you, lovelies. I recently let fear interfere (enter fear) with my life. Just a month ago, I blogged about the following quote: 
Fear is not a thing. Fear is the absence of light.
-Marianne Williamson
And then what did I do? I freaked out. I was living in the present. I was working towards my goals. Then I ran into a financial hurdle. I stopped doing the work that I loved. I started panicking. I lowered my vibration and turned down my light when I should’ve been doing the exact opposite. With that fear, came in the 'I can’t' uglies and the 'I should’ve' ickies.
I was thinking that I didn’t have time for my blog, because I needed to focus on things that make me money. I thought that I didn’t have time for ‘Humans of Minnesota’ and that I was selfish for taking the time to run. 
Those activities are all ways that I let my light shine. By hiding my light under a bush, I put a stop to all of my forward thinking. I put a stop to all of my affirmations. My fear allowed my ego, Jack, to come and stomp all over me. This affected my relationships and my work at my full-time job.
Learning from my fumbles, I had to come up with a plan of action. I will remain consistent and problem solve before Jack comes back. I will look to see if I’m making enough to pay my bills, then see what is left over. I will ask myself, how I can more efficiently use the abundance that Spirit has blessed me with? Then affirm away. 

I am abundant. I am abundant through doing what I love, which is listening and delivering the messages of Spirit. I am abundant through helping people through the messages that I recieve. How can I recieve those messages if I’m hiding my light?
Luckily, I have a wonderful friend, soul sister and mentor, named Avianna Castro! I’ve also been doing a lot of work with the Archangels, thanks to the wonderful Sunny Dawn Johnston. I’d like to share a little bit of how and what she’s taught me that helped me rid myself of the ‘should’ve bugs!’

So, as with everything else, you need to put in the work. Live in the present with me. Do the work. Take the time and be your wonderful and illuminated self! Get rid of the can’t bugs and stop ‘shoulding’ all over yourself! Throw those should’ve uglies out the window! In order to BElieve in YOUrself, you need to BE YOU! See that? It’s just that simple! Oh, and don't forget to smile!