Friday, May 18, 2012

Energy Synergy

I have a confession! I am now addicted to knocking down walls. You knock down one and then another. Pretty soon, you’ve got this momentum going. Imagine standing at a start line and trying to jump over a hurdle. Now picture yourself getting a running start. Which is easier? 
Apply that to jumping over your life obstacles and you’ll see what I mean. Jumping over the first hurdle efficiently, just makes each consecutive hurdle a little bit easier. 
Last week I talked about identifying and removing these barriers. Some barriers cannot be removed, but they can be avoided.

I’ve noticed that I have more energy. I’m eating better without much effort. My sleep is better. My family time is more productive.
How can you resist? Let us all shift together. Visualize, believe and recieve. 

I’m going to leave you with some images from the GORUCK challenge. This event presented more walls than I was even prepared to deal with. As our group got going though, our synergy developed. When one team member needed a break, another was waiting and ready to take over. Working with a group of strangers seemed almost effortless. My goal is to apply the same ethics and teamwork and  to my family.

Photos by Klaas Snater, Cedric Dean and Patrick Rhone

Keep smiling, lovelies!

Friday, May 11, 2012

What's limiting your awesomeness?

We all have our own limitations, right? But why not push these barriers, these walls, these limits. Heck, why not burn them to the ground?

In the video, I mentioned a few quotes by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Here’s one that might be worth writing down. 

“I have burning desire - an inner flame that will not be extinguished by outer forces - to know and live from higher regions. To be transformed so that my new concept of myself will no longer include any limitations. 
I am willing to challenge and change and thoughts that impede my having a higher vision of myself.”

Are you willing? What’s holding you back?

Afraid of heights? Go rock climbing!
Take some time to look at the people in your daily life. Look at your experiences. Look at your circumstances. What can you remove? You need to cut the clutter before you can start to organize the real meat of your life. 

One of my limiting thoughts was the illusion that I wouldn’t get my pre-baby body back. Well, let’s be won’t be my pre-baby body, but it’s something even more amazing. It’s a body that I nurture. I may have weighed a hundred pounds when I was 20, but I wasn’t eating right. I put junk into my body and didn’t get the right amount of sleep. A challenge that, I’ll admit, I’m still working on. I pranced around in bikinis looking for the acceptance of strangers. 

My new body loves me. My new body is whole. I’m strong and I’m ready for whatever life brings my way. 

A good example of how I've tackled new things is CrossFit. When I started, I couldn’t walk without wincing in pain for three days. Now, I crave it. I feel gross when I don’t go. I love that feeling!

I’m also going to be tackling the GORUCK challenge tonight. For those of you who don’t know what it is:

I’ll be posting all about that experience next week. :-)

This weekend, my friends, join me. Knock ‘em dead. Burn ‘em down! Start with eliminating and then go into organizing. What cupcakes are tempting you? 

And if you’re having a particularly challenging day, spend some time with a child. It will help simplify things for you and give you a whole new look at the world that surrounds us! No silly walls for these kiddos...

Keep smiling, lovelies! I’m so very grateful and blessed that you’re in my life!