I have a confession! I am now addicted to knocking down walls. You knock down one and then another. Pretty soon, you’ve got this momentum going. Imagine standing at a start line and trying to jump over a hurdle. Now picture yourself getting a running start. Which is easier?
Apply that to jumping over your life obstacles and you’ll see what I mean. Jumping over the first hurdle efficiently, just makes each consecutive hurdle a little bit easier.
Last week I talked about identifying and removing these barriers. Some barriers cannot be removed, but they can be avoided.
I’ve noticed that I have more energy. I’m eating better without much effort. My sleep is better. My family time is more productive.
How can you resist? Let us all shift together. Visualize, believe and recieve.
I’m going to leave you with some images from the GORUCK challenge. This event presented more walls than I was even prepared to deal with. As our group got going though, our synergy developed. When one team member needed a break, another was waiting and ready to take over. Working with a group of strangers seemed almost effortless. My goal is to apply the same ethics and teamwork and to my family.
Photos by Klaas Snater, Cedric Dean and Patrick Rhone
Keep smiling, lovelies!